7 July 2023

Co-marketing: A Guide to Co-branding Campaigns That Drive Partner Revenue

Explore co-marketing: a strategic collaboration enhancing brand exposure, optimizing resources, and unlocking new audiences. Uncover its powerful benefits in our detailed blog post – a key to supercharge your marketing efforts.

co-marketing planning | Filament

Have you ever wondered how two brands can work together to create a win-win situation for both? Or have you been considering taking advantage of marketing together with partner businesses in a partner ecosystem or channel program?

That’s what co-marketing is all about — two brands collaborating to go to market together, supporting each other and promoting each other’s products and services.

When approached correctly, co-marketing campaigns can generate more leads and more revenue than solo campaigns in many ways.

This article will cover co-marketing and guide you through how to plan, execute and assess campaigns for partner revenue. You will learn to identify your ideal co-marketing partner and define your goals and metrics.

Let’s dive in!

What Is Co-Marketing?

Co-marketing is a strategic partnership when two or more businesses collaborate to advertise their products to a common shared prospective customer.

It’s often referred to as a “co-marketing motion” and typically involves a “co-branded” campaign that features both organizations’ logos, branding, and combined messaging that is relevant to the shared prospective customer.

Difference Between Co-marketing and Co-branding

Co-branding and co-marketing both represent combined communication between two or more businesses, but the approach to each differs.

With co-marketing, think of two partners in a partner ecosystem or channel program working together to actively promote their combined offering to shared customers. In co-marketing, the companies collaborating take advantage of each partner’s reach and understand that their shared value proposition is the differentiation that will be meaningful for the shared prospective customer.

On the other hand, with co-branding, the goal is to feature both partner brands to either create a unique product or a shared service that satisfies customers of both businesses. A strategic approach to partner co-branding will consider both brand styles and develop a combined or mutually-recognizable style.

Types of Co-marketing Campaigns

Partner businesses can benefit significantly in reaching new audiences from co-marketing campaigns. Let’s look at some of the different types of co-marketing campaigns to be inspired by.

Co-present a webinar

Partner brands can host a webinar discussing topics that link or relate to both of their existing customers. The benefit of a webinar is that it can show professionalism and educate the audience.

Co-publish an E-book or White Paper

Covering a topic of mutual interest and offering valuable tips in an e-book can foster better brand awareness and authority. You may decide the gate the content offer, so as to capture the contact details of prospects. Alternatively, you may decide to ungate the content as part of your demand generation strategy.

Run a contest together

Running contests is another way partner brands can grow their following and engagement. For example, engaging audiences in polls and quizzes to grow social networks.

Co-host a podcast

Podcasts are a new way to promote brand awareness and build loyalty and trust. Partner brands can interview experts and discuss industry trends or other topics in the podcast.

Co-host or co-sponsor an event

Whether in person or online, events are significant to engage audiences and offer value. Partner brands can use them to boost brand awareness and also be great for attendees to network and learn new best practices.

Benefits of Co-marketing Partnerships for Businesses

There are several benefits of co-marketing can deliver partnerships, and some common ones include:

Broader reach

Collaborating with other brands that share interchangeable audiences can help introduce one business to new leads.

Cost-effective and time-saving

Solo campaigns are expensive and take time to execute. However, partnering with other brands helps lower the workload and costs of running co-marketing campaigns.

Take advantage of partner strengths

If your partner brand has expertise in a specific area like research, you can leverage it. It will help both brands create better offers that fit and satisfy both audiences.

Gain credibility and trust

Partnering with a reputable brand helps build trustworthiness through association. In addition, it shows customers that you share the same ideals and values.

How Co-Branding Campaigns Can Boost Marketing Efforts

There are many ways a co-branding campaign can boost partner brands’ marketing efforts. Some of the popular ones include:

Differentiation creation

Uniqueness goes a long way in establishing yourself in a saturated market. That’s why co-branding can help partner businesses offer value no rival has.

Improving user experience

Customer experience is a priority for any business, and offering a product that satisfies various users’ needs is crucial.

Boosting retention and brand loyalty

Creating a product that customers connect with and solve their problems can help boost retention and loyalty. A co-branded product can help achieve that.

How to Find and Choose the Right Co-Marketing Partner

There are several ways that co-marketing can help tap into new markets, offer value, and cut costs. However, one question arises, How can you identify and pick the ideal co-marketing partner? Let’s look at some pointers.

Co-marketing is a great way to reach new audiences, save resources, and create value for your customers. But how do you find and choose the right co-marketing partner for your business? Here are some tips to help you with this process.

Tips for Identifying and Picking a Co-marketing Partner

Researching and assessing a co-marketing partner should be your first step. A partner that shares your values and matches your audience and ethics is what you’ll be looking for.

Not only that, but they also need to have an engaged customer profile and a positive rating that can integrate seamlessly with your budget and marketing strategy. So, some things to assist you are:

Site analytical assessment

Check your social network analytics, pair them with your website stats, and see who connects with your brand. You can find a prospective co-marketer that is looking for a collaboration.

Engage your clients

Talk with them and get insights on what they prefer, such as their alternative brand and if it relates to your business niche. From the information that you collect, you can find prospective co-marketers that share an interchangeable audience.

Explore your network

Among your close associates or colleagues, you can find a potential co-marketing partner. They are ideal because you already know them well and trust their personalities.

Scout competitors

Checking who your rivals are partnering with and what they are working on could be another option. You can sway them to join you and become co-marketing partners.

How to Assess a Co-Marketing Partner’s Reputation and Reach

You have shortlisted your prospective partners, now assess them thoroughly. Start by checking their recognition, and reach. See if they have credibility and if their audience trusts them.

Not only that, check if they still have relevancy and if they influence their audiences. Lastly, check if their values and objectives align with yours. Some tips to help you assess a co-marketing partner include:


Online ratings and testimonials are a great place to start since they show what their audience thinks of them. Check their blog posts and social networks and see how they convey their message and values.


Leverage tools like Social Blade or BuzzSumo and evaluate the prospective co-marketing partner’s reach. Go on and check their conversion rate either from their email list or any other source.


Check their published content on social networks or websites and see what they talk about. See if the content relates to your products or overall brand.

How Do You Contact Your Ideal Co-Marketing Partner?

You have assessed your prospective co-marketing partners, now you have to reach out to them with a concise and engaging proposal. Using a friendly but professional tone, introduce yourself and your business.

Next, engage them and discuss the reason you want them to become your co-marketing partner. Don’t forget to highlight the benefits they can get for partnering with you. Lastly, present them with your idea and let them know how it complements your business goals.

Now, to accomplish this, you need to:

Run a background check

It is the first thing you need to do before reaching out to them. Know their details like name, role, contacts, objectives, and obstacles. This information will help you customize your message and demonstrate that you understand them well.

Be Concise

The first thing you do when you make contact is let them know the purpose of your message. Make it simple and concise by expressing who you are, your business, and your goal of having a partner.

Use an engaging tone

Ensure you convey the benefits they will get after becoming your co-marketing partner. Expound on the partnership details by using data to showcase the potential.

Be Precise

Remember to highlight that your idea aligns with business objectives and target market. Let them know the type of campaign you are proposing, its structure, application, timeline, and each partner’s role.

How to Negotiate the Terms of a Partnership

After you have contacted your potential co-marketing partner and received a positive response, you need to negotiate the terms of the partnership. You want to ensure that both parties agree on the co-marketing campaign’s expectations, deliverables, roles, responsibilities, and metrics.

You also want to protect both parties from any legal or ethical issues arising from the partnership. Here are some tips to help you with this:

Be flexible

When negotiating the terms, be ready to compromise and adapt to your partner’s needs and preferences. Try to find a win-win solution that benefits both parties equally.

Be transparent

Be honest and open about your expectations, deliverables, roles, responsibilities, and metrics. Communicate clearly and frequently with your partner throughout the process.

Be respectful

Be respectful and courteous to your partner. Don’t pressure or manipulate them into agreeing to something they are uncomfortable with. Appreciate their input and feedback and acknowledge their contributions.

Be professional

Be professional and formal in your communication. Use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and tone in your messages or emails. Follow up with your partner regularly and keep them updated on the progress of the co-marketing strategy.

How to Plan and Execute a Co-Marketing Campaign

Co-marketing can be a great way to boost your brand identity, generate leads, and grow companies involved network. But how do you plan and execute a successful co-marketing partnership with your partners? Here are some steps to help you with this process.

Defining Shared Objectives and Expected Outcomes

The first step to planning and executing co-marketing strategies is to define your shared objectives and expected outcomes. You and your partners need to agree on your goals, how to measure achievements, and how to split the costs and benefits.

Some tips to help you define your shared objectives and expected outcomes are by using:

The SMART framework

Means your objectives need to be “Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.”

The RACI matrix

Assign who is Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed for each task or deliverable in the co-marketing partnership.

The OKR framework

Define your Objectives and Key Results for the co-marketing strategy.

Measuring and Analyzing Co-Marketing Campaign Performance

Co-marketing campaigns can help you reach new audiences, generate leads, and grow your network. But how do you measure and analyze their performance and impact? Here are some steps to help you with this process.

1. Establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The first step is establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) for your co-marketing campaign. KPIs are measurable values that indicate how well you achieve your objectives and outcomes. You should choose relevant, specific, and quantifiable KPIs for your co-marketing campaign. For example, some common KPIs for co-marketing strategy are:

  • Impressions: The number of times your co-marketing content gets displayed or viewed by your audience.
  • Clicks: The number of times your audience clicks on your co-marketing content or links.
  • Conversions: The number of times your audience completes a desired action after clicking on your co-marketing content.
  • Subscribers: The number of new email subscribers you gain from your co-marketing campaign.
  • Leads: The number of qualified prospects you generate from your co-marketing campaign.
  • Sales: The number of sales or revenue you generate from your co-marketing campaign.

2. Monitoring and Analyzing Campaign Data

The second step is to monitor and analyze your campaign data using tools like Google Analytics, HubSpot, or SEMrush. You should track and measure your KPIs throughout your brand partnerships and compare them with your goals and benchmarks.

For example, you can:

  • Compare the performance of different co-market content formats, channels, or platforms.
  • Segment your audience by demographics, behavior, or source and see how they respond to your co-marketing works.
  • Calculate your co-marketing campaign’s return on investment (ROI) or cost per acquisition (CPA).

3. Assessing the Impact on Partner Revenue

The third step is to assess the impact of your co-marketing campaign on your partner’s revenue. You should communicate and collaborate with your partner to share and analyze the results of your co-marketing campaign.

It would help if you also calculated the revenue share or profit split each partner receives from the co-marketing campaign. It should be on the basis of the terms and conditions of your partnership agreement.

You should also evaluate the value and satisfaction that each partner gains from the co-marketing campaign and see how it affects their business objectives and customer relationships.

4. Strengthening Co-Marketing Partnerships for Long-Term Success

The final step is to strengthen your co-marketing strategies for long-term success. You should maintain open communication channels with your partner and provide them with feedback for their contribution to the co-marketing campaign.

You should also evaluate your partner’s compatibility and performance and see if you want to continue or end the co-marketing efforts.

If you want to continue the partnership, you should scale up your successful campaigns and explore new opportunities for collaboration. To end the partnership, you should do it respectfully and professionally.

Co-marketing campaigns can be a powerful way to grow your business and network. Following these steps, you can measure and analyze their performance and impact and strengthen your co-marketing campaigns for long-term success.

Ready to explore how partner co-marketing can drive new revenue for your business?

Co-marketing is a powerful way to leverage the strengths and audiences of two or more partners to create value for both sides. Following this guide, you can plan, execute, and measure co-marketing campaigns that drive partner revenue and increase brand awareness.

Whether you want to co-create a product, a piece of content, or an event, co-marketing can help you reach new customers. It can also help boost your brand awareness.

Ready to get started? Contact us today!

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