SEO Agency Sydney

Imagine having your prospects and leads finding your products and services online. That’s the kind of success that the right SEO strategy can bring.

That’s because 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine!

And with B2B buyers researching solutions to their pain points online, your starting point must be to do everything you can to ensure that your website appears at the top of search engine results.

Stand Out Online and Be Found By the Audiences That Matter Most to You

This is where Filament comes in.

Our SEO agency team of professionals and strategists combined has a track record of empowering B2B tech businesses to accelerate growth in their markets. We’ve developed a comprehensive suite of SEO services designed to put the power of compounding organic growth in your hands.

It’s time you experience SEO success, instead of just hearing about it.

Comprehensive SEO Services That Increase Your Organic Reach

When we say comprehensive, we meant it. We don’t do SEO by half-measure.

Whether you’re looking to be found in local areas, nationally or globally, our SEO services are designed to accomplish your strategic goals.

SEO Strategy

Many businesses wing it when it comes to SEO, but that won’t get you anywhere. That’s especially considering how quickly (and often) search engine algorithms change. These shifting tides can send your website’s search engine rankings tumbling if all you do to boost your SEO is “sprinkle” keywords throughout your content and hope for the best.

Instead, you need to know where you’re going and how best to get there. That’s precisely what we can help you achieve with our strategy services. Our SEO specialists will review your current SEO setup, crunch numbers, scope out the competition, and position your website for success by developing a custom strategy tailored to your business.

Our strategies take into account your industry, location (e.g., Sydney or elsewhere), and the goals you have for your website. This way, our SEO experts can create a plan of attack to help you get where you want to be online – and constantly monitor, optimise and adjust as necessary.

Plus, we’ll stay ahead of the curve when it comes to SEO changes, so you’re never caught off guard. Never miss out on a lead due to an outdated SEO strategy again.

seo strategy | Filament
seo campaigns | Filament

SEO Campaigns

Once we know the direction you’re headed in, it’s time to get the ball rolling – and that’s where our SEO campaigns come in. This is when the rubber really meets the road, as our SEO experts put their strategies into solid action. If strategies are the roadmap, campaigns are the car that takes you there.

Our SEO campaigns involve launching a series of initiatives to get your website seen by more B2B prospects, driving organic traffic and bringing in a steady stream of leads. They help you put on a good show for search engines so they know who to send more prospects to.

Whether through link building, keyword research, content creation and optimisation, or crafting meta descriptions and titles, we’ll make sure that you get noticed and attract more organic traffic. And with a keen eye on ROI, Filament’s SEO campaigns will help ensure your budget is invested in the right growth drivers.

Technical SEO

Yes, you’re a tech business – but that doesn’t mean your SEO should be a technical nightmare. At Filament, we’ll break down the seemingly insurmountable wall of tech-laden SEO into manageable chunks and show you what it all means.

We’ll work with the tech-savvy and the technophobes alike, sifting through your website’s backend to identify any potential issues that could be holding back your rankings or preventing your website from being indexed.

From sitemaps and structured data to website speed and crawl errors, our technical SEO services will troubleshoot and ensure that search engines have no problem understanding the value of your website – and that your prospects can find it easily.

Below are our technical SEO services:

  • Indexation and XML Sitemaps: We’ll ensure that your website is indexed by major search engines and submitted to them via sitemaps.
  • Structured Data: We’ll add schema markup to your website, helping search engine bots better understand the information on your site.
  • Crawl Errors: We’ll uncover any errors preventing search engines from crawling and understanding your content and fix them.
  • Website Speed Optimisation: We’ll audit your website’s speed and performance, so it can be indexed quickly without any hiccups.
  • Duplicate Content: We’ll audit and eliminate duplicate content that could hold your website back from ranking higher.
  • Keyword Cannibalisation: We’ll make sure that none of your pages are competing against each other for the same terms, so they can all rank their best.

Ready to hand over the reins of your technical SEO strategy to us? Let’s chat!

technical SEO | Filament
seo keyword research | Filament

Keyword Research

Did you know that 94.74% of keywords get 10 monthly searches or fewer? And only 0.0008% of keywords get more than 100,000 monthly searches? That means that you have to be very picky when it comes to keywords – otherwise, you’ll focus on the wrong terms and set yourself up for disappointment when it comes to SEO traffic. That’s where our keyword research services come in.

At Filament, we’ll dig deep into the search engine data, figure out which terms your prospects are actually searching for, and uncover any hidden gems that your B2B prospects are using to find you online that you may have been missing out on. Our specialty is uncovering the terms that are worth investing in, and we always strive for long-term results.

Speaking of that, since we’re playing the long game here, we don’t only focus on keywords with high search volumes. Our SEO specialists also look at trends, seasonality, and other factors to anticipate how a keyword might perform in the future – so you can be sure that your SEO efforts will pay off down the line.

Expect a combination of long-term, high-volume keywords as well as short-term, low-volume terms in our keyword research (think of the latter as hidden gems – those are mostly long-tail terms, but they can have a huge impact on your rankings!) Either way, we always factor in:

  • Seasonality
  • Search Volume Metrics
  • Competitiveness of Keywords
  • User Intent
  • Feasibility

Ready to uncover the best keywords for your business and bring in real organic traffic? Let’s chat!

On-Page Optimisation

You can’t get to the top of the rankings without optimising your pages for SEO – not only on the backend but also on the front end. This is the most important part – having the search engine bots crawl your site is one thing, but if they don’t understand what they’re looking at and how it’s valuable to users, you won’t be able to compete with the big players.

Here, our award-winning SEO services really shine because we take a holistic approach to the process. We’ll go through all the pages on your website and make sure that everything is optimised – from meta tags to headlines, images, content, and more.

Our team of digital marketing experts will ensure that your website is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and has an intuitive information architecture so users can find what they’re looking for quickly and easily. We also consider user intent, so your website will match the query in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

We don’t just focus on the top-level pages – we’ll also dig deep and make sure every page is optimised. Our process includes:

  • Writing SEO-friendly meta tags
  • Cleaning up URLs and making sure they’re descriptive
  • Compressing images and other media files
  • Optimising content for keywords & user intent
  • Creating internal links to relevant pages on your website
  • Inserting external links to other websites
  • Checking content hierarchy/ structure for headers, images, etc.
  • Including images (if necessary)
  • Optimising ALT tags on images
  • Ensuring featured snippets are optimised
  • Verifying mobile-friendliness

Because Google continues to prioritise the user experience, the importance of on-page SEO for increasing organic traffic can’t be understated.

Don’t let the confines of your own website limit your business growth – contact us and start climbing those SERPs!

seo on-page optimisation | Filament
search intent content | Filament

Search Intent Driven Content Development and Copywriting

Think of SEO and content as two peas in a pod – each is necessary for the other to thrive. That’s why our SEO agency offers SEO-led content writing services – because without quality, optimised content, all the off-page SEO in the world won’t make a difference.

Our expert content writers provide the best of both worlds – not only are they pros in inserting keywords, meta tags, and other SEO-friendly elements into the content –naturally– but they also have a wealth of writing experience in B2B tech and SaaS industries. They know the language and key concepts inside out and what it takes to stand out in a crowded SERP and drive SEO traffic.

That means the content you receive isn’t only optimised for SEO, but it’s also relevant, interesting, and up to date. Plus, you can be sure that the content we create is tailored specifically to your target audience – whether they’re C-level execs or software engineers. It’s all about user intent and engagement – and our content writers have the skills to craft something that’s sure to get clicked.

Whether you need blog posts, white papers, case studies, eBooks, or something different – we’re ready to present your B2B prospects with the digital marketing content they’re looking for while simultaneously helping your business get noticed online. Let’s get started!

Authoritative Link Building

Link building is one of the most important factors in SEO, but it takes more than just creating a few random backlinks to get ahead with SEO results. It’s not even about quantity at all – it’s about quality, and 93.8% of link builders can testify to that.

At Filament, because we only do white hat SEO (we don’t take any risky shortcuts), we focus on authoritative link building – building strong relationships with authoritative websites to create natural and organic, high-quality links.

This process involves a lot more than creating a link – it’s about finding the right type of website, getting them interested in your content so they actually want to link to you, and then continuing to build on that relationship. We put relevancy and trust at the forefront of each campaign, and we only go after websites in your industry or related to it.

Of course, we’ll also make sure the linking websites have high Domain Authority scores, so you can be sure that your links are of the highest calibre. After all, according to Authority Hacker, 65.4% of SEO experts find domain authority to be more important than the number of links on the target page when it comes to search rankings.

We also keep up to date with Google’s ever-changing algorithm updates, so you can be sure that any links we find and create for your website are up-to-date and in line with their guidelines.

With our authoritative link-building SEO solutions, our offerings are:

  • Outreach to high-quality, authoritative websites
  • Content creation and promotion that are relevant and up to date
  • Relevant anchor text placements
  • Guest post opportunities
  • Dofollow link opportunities
  • Broken link building
  • Monitoring of each link for effectiveness

With link building, you need a trusted partner; otherwise, your reputation is on the line. Fortunately, our Sydney-based SEO agency is precisely that – our reputation will be on the line, too, so you can be sure we’ll go above and beyond to get results that count. Contact us!

seo link building | Filament
local seo | Filament

Local SEO Services

“Near me” and “close by” type searches grew by more than 900% over the past two years, and close to 50% of all Google searches have local intent – leaving plenty of opportunity to cash in on local SEO.

At Filament SEO agency, we understand the importance of leveraging hyperlocal search trends and tapping into the power of local SEO. Our agency can help you make the most out of every Google search query, allowing you to obtain maximum visibility in your area.

We’ll get to know your business inside and out – what makes it unique, where it’s located, and who your customers are – so we can create a local SEO strategy that really works. We’ll make sure all the right pieces are in place – from making sure your NAP (Name, Address and Phone number) is consistent across every platform to optimising metas and content for local search queries.

We’ll also research what people nearby are searching for, so you can create content and build relevant links to your local target audience. By understanding their needs, you’ll be able to provide relevant and useful information to them – driving more website traffic, leads, and sales in the process.

Our local SEO services include:

  • Local keyword research and optimisation
  • Optimisation of Google My Business listings
  • Optimisation of NAP for consistency
  • Regional content creation & on-page optimisation
  • Local link-building & citation building
  • Local off-page SEO and directory submissions
  • Reputation management

As a B2B tech business, your strategy needs to be done right to achieve SEO results. It’s what will give your digital marketing the edge to climb to the top of search engine rankings and stay there. That’s why it pays to work with us –get in touch with our Sydney SEO agency experts today!

Why Choose Filament’s Sydney SEO Agency?

You might be wondering why you should choose Filament for your SEO needs over other SEO agencies. We’re glad you asked! Here are the differentiating factors that make us stand out in the Sydney SEO landscape.

We’re an Award-Winning SEO Marketing Agency

It’s not a title we take lightly – our team worked hard to win the Best Content Marketing Campaign award at the 2022 Semrush Search Awards Australia. This was awarded based on a campaign that drove outstanding results for one of our clients in the IaaS space, and there’s no doubt that this award is a reflection of our expertise and quality when it comes to SEO marketing.

Long before the award, our SEO Sydney experts already had years of experience in B2B SEO, having worked with countless tech and SaaS clients to finally get the SEO results they wanted – and we continue to drive results for them today.

We understand the nuances of B2B buyer journeys better than most, so you can trust us to do the same for your business.

Semrush Search Awards Content Marketing | Filament
tailored advertising strategy | Filament

We Deliver a Customised Strategy to Achieve Your Business Goals

At Filament SEO Sydney company, we’re big believers in customisation. Over our years of experience, we’ve seen too many clients, and they all had one thing in common: everything from their products to their buyer personas is unique.

That’s why we don’t offer one-size-fits-all solutions or cookie-cutter packages when it comes to search engine marketing – our SEO professionals create tailored strategies designed specifically for your business, considering all the different factors at play.

From analysing your current position in the SERPs to understanding trends in your industry and audience behaviour, our agency uses data-driven insights to develop a customised SEO strategy that’s designed to help you get the best results from your campaigns.

Put simply, no two businesses are the same – and neither are our SEO strategies or SEO Sydney services. On top of that, we’ll always be transparent in our process and results, letting you know what we’re doing and why. Keeping you in the loop every step of the way is important to us.

We Provide Comprehensive Digital Marketing Services

We don’t just do SEO; we deliver a comprehensive process that covers every element of organic search engine optimisation (SEO) – from keyword research and on-page optimisation to link building, content creation, and reputation management.

But our SEO service isn’t the only digital marketing service we offer – we also provide social media marketing, content marketing, digital advertising, website design and development, and more! This makes us a one-stop shop for all your digital marketing needs.

Forget about having to touch base with multiple vendors for different services – just come to us and have everything taken care of in one go.

Let our experts handle all your digital marketing needs and experience the convenience of having everything taken care of in one place!

marketing services | Filament
real marketing results | Filament

We Bring a Sole Focus On Real SEO Results

It’s easy to make big claims and promises, but we focus on delivering real results. Our SEO agency works hard to ensure that you get the best return on investment from your SEO campaigns and achieve the organic traffic results that you expect.

We’ll never promise you the world, but we will aim for tangible results that help your business succeed in the long run. It won’t be hard for you to see the value of our services – that we can guarantee!

We Complete Ongoing Performance Tracking and Optimisation

What may work today may not work tomorrow, so we constantly track and monitor your campaigns to ensure they remain effective over time. We always review our strategies and make adjustments regularly to stay ahead of the ever-changing search engine algorithms and ensure that your business gets maximum value from the campaigns.

Whether that’s tweaking the content, removing poor-performing keywords, or adding new ones, our SEO agency wants to ensure you remain one step ahead of your competition and reach your desired outcomes.

As your SEO agency Sydney, we put SEO success front and centre – by focusing on what works for you, not what’s popular at the moment.

advertising analytics | Filament
tailored advertising strategy | Filament

We Communicate With Easy to Understand Monthly Reporting

Whether it’s leads, organic traffic, or conversions – we’ll keep you updated on the progress of your campaigns by providing you with monthly reports. We’ll explain which strategies are working and why and give insights into what can be optimised for further success.

We understand that tracking and understanding SEO metrics can be difficult, so we break down the data in such a way that you can easily interpret the results. That way, you always have an up-to-date view of your campaigns and can make informed decisions about how to move forward.

We’ll never leave you in the dark – opt for our SEO services and get the clarity, transparency, and accountability you need to make your campaigns a success. We believe that success stories come from transparency – so let us help you achieve yours!

Are you ready to grow your business with the best SEO agency Sydney?

Are you looking for the best Search Engine Optimisation? You just found it. Filament is here to support you with your B2B marketing needs.

SEO Agency Sydney Frequently Asked Questions

How can an SEO strategy help my B2B business?

SEO is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. It helps you reach your target audience by presenting your business at the top of search engine results pages. This can lead to more relevant organic traffic to your website, higher conversion rates, and improved brand visibility – key factors for success in the digital age for your business!

The right B2B content marketing agency will be able to help you define your goals, create a plan to achieve them, and produce the necessary assets to get there – all with an eye for maximising ROI through tracking and optimization.

A digital marketing agency team like Filament uses its knowledge and experience to offer clients comprehensive digital marketing solutions that help them achieve their business goals, packaging them in the form of digital marketing services.

Why should technology companies include SEO in their marketing strategy?

For tech companies, SEO can be a powerful lead-generation tool. The right strategy can help you reach qualified leads who are actively searching for solutions that your business provides. SEO is also a great way to increase brand visibility and establish yourself as an industry leader – ultimately helping you stay ahead of the competition.

As a Sydney SEO agency, we specialise in SEO for tech companies and have extensive experience in creating effective strategies that drive REAL results. If you’re a tech company looking to get the most out of your SEO campaigns, contact us today.

Content marketing should also fit into other digital marketing tactics, such as SEO and email marketing, to maximise visibility and lead generation. At its core, content should be a win-win situation, providing value to your prospects while driving results.

How does Search Engine Optimisation work?

Generally, content marketing includes the following activities:

  • Defining your target audience and goals
  • Creating content marketing plans, strategies, and campaigns
  • Writing content that speaks to your prospects’ pain points and addresses their needs
  • Optimising content for search engine visibility (SEO)
  • Promoting content through social media, email, webinars, and other channels
  • Measuring performance with analytics tools and data-driven insights
  • Refining content to maximise ROI

SEO works by optimising your website for search engines, making sure it’s indexed and increases in authority over time. This involves researching and implementing keywords, optimising content, and making sure your website is user-friendly. By doing this, you’re improving the visibility of your website in organic search engine results pages (SERPs) over time.

Engaging the right Sydney SEO agency means having SEO specialists in your corner to take care of this for you.

How long does it take to rank online?

SEO is a long-term strategy, and results take time to show. Even with the best strategies in place, you may not see immediate results. That said, SEO produces cumulative results – meaning that the longer you stay consistent with your SEO efforts, the better your chances of success are.

When you work closely with your SEO agency Sydney, you’ll get a better understanding of the amount of effort and time various keyword rankings will take.

Is SEO a short-term or long-term strategy?

SEO is definitely a long-term strategy. Taking steps to improve your organic visibility and ranking takes time but can yield substantial results over the long run. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t see short-term gains – small changes, such as optimising website pages or improving the user experience, can immediately impact your rankings.

It’s also worth mentioning that SEO is a process, not an event. You don’t do it once and forget about it if you want to see lasting results. That’s why leveraging an SEO agency can be so important – they keep the stay on top of the process.

If you have any questions, our Sydney SEO consultants at Filament are a click away!

What does local SEO mean?

Local SEO is the practice of optimising your website for searches related to a geographic region, such as a city or town. This form of SEO helps businesses connect with their local audiences and increase visibility in the local search results.

Local SEO involves creating content that’s relevant to the area you’re targeting – this includes adding location-specific keywords to your website, creating location pages, and optimising the content on these pages for local search. Additionally, it also involves claiming and verifying your business in local directories such as Google My Business to ensure you appear in local maps results.

For instance, if you’re a Sydney-based business, local SEO would involve optimising your website for searches related to Sydney and its surrounding areas, such as “Sydney SEO services”, “SEO Sydney agency”, “SEO Sydney”, “SEO agency in Sydney” or “local SEO agency Sydney.”

At Filament, we have experience helping businesses of all sizes with their local SEO strategies – from targeting keyword phrases specific to the location to leveraging local directories and citations. Get in touch with us to learn about how we can help your business succeed in local SEO!

What are the benefits of a local SEO campaign?

According to HubSpot, 88% of searches for local businesses on a mobile device either call or visit the business within 24 hours. Not just that, but local searches result in purchases 28% of the time. Considering these figures, it’s clear that local SEO campaigns can have a huge impact on local businesses and their bottom line.

The main benefits of implementing a successful local SEO campaign include:

  • Boosted visibility in local search results, such as Google Maps and organic listings
  • Higher brand awareness
  • An increase in website traffic from local customers
  • Improved customer engagement and loyalty
  • A better user experience, resulting in a higher conversion rate
  • More reviews and positive word of mouth

Let us help you leverage the power of local SEO for your B2B tech business! With a track record of putting businesses like yours on the map, Filament SEO agency Sydney can help you get the most out of your local SEO efforts. Contact us!

What do I need to include in a local SEO Sydney campaign?

If you’re running a local SEO campaign in Sydney, there are certain steps you should take to ensure your website is optimised for the area.

First, it’s always important to create location-specific content on your website that includes keywords related to the region. For instance, if you offer a SaaS product related to accounting, some keywords you could use include “accounting software Sydney” and “SaaS solutions Sydney.”

You should also claim and verify your business on local directories such as Google Business Profile (formerly called Google My Business) to ensure your website appears in local map results. Additionally, it’s important to acquire local backlinks and citations to demonstrate your website’s authority in the area.

Apart from these, it’s also important to ensure your website loads quickly and is responsive on mobile devices for a better user experience.

At Filament SEO agency in Sydney, we understand the importance of local SEO campaigns and can help you get the most out of yours. Our experienced team knows how to create content that targets local audiences, claim business listings in local directories, and improve the user experience of your website. Get a helping hand today!

How important is content in an SEO strategy?

Content marketing is an essential part of any SaaS business’ growth strategy. That’s because it enables you to speak directly to your target audience in a way that resonates with them – helping to shape their opinions about your business and its offerings and driving conversions along the way.

Content plays a crucial role in any SEO strategy. Good content not only helps your website rank higher in search engine results but also helps you engage with potential customers and build trust and loyalty among existing ones. Without content, your website will not be able to stand out in the crowded search engine landscape, and search engines won’t be able to index your pages properly.

If you’re finding yourself feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of creating content, count on us at Filament SEO agency Sydney to keep your strategy on track. We specialise in B2B tech and have extensive experience creating content that helps businesses achieve their goals. Get in touch and learn how we can help you generate more leads through content-driven SEO!

What are backlinks?

Backlinks are incoming links from other websites to your website. They help search engines, such as Google, understand which pages are important on your website and therefore increase the visibility of those pages in search engine results.

Essentially, when someone links to a page on your website, they’re telling search engines that this page is important and should be considered when it comes to ranking. This is why building quality backlinks from reputable websites is an essential aspect of any search engine optimisation strategy.

At Filament, we understand the importance of building high-quality backlinks for SEO success. Our SEO agency and team of experts can help you build strong relationships with industry-leading websites and boost your website’s authority in the eyes of search engine algorithms. Get in touch today to find out more!

Why should I hire a Sydney SEO team?

Hiring an experienced Sydney SEO agency can give your business invaluable insight into the best strategies for driving traffic to your website. With a deep knowledge of the local market and its nuances, a good SEO company can craft and implement customised tactics and SEO practices to help you achieve your goals.

The Filament team, in particular, is made up of experienced professionals who have been helping businesses in the Sydney area successfully increase their online visibility for many years. With that kind of Sydney SEO team experience, you can rest assured that your website is in the best hands!

How do I choose an SEO agency?

Choosing an SEO agency is a big decision, and it’s important to get it right. The most crucial factor in choosing the right SEO team is their track record. Look for an agency with success stories from businesses in your industry and proven results in local SEO campaigns.

It’s also important to choose an agency that is transparent about the services they offer and the results they can provide. This will help ensure that you know what to expect from your SEO campaign and avoid any unexpected surprises.

As an award-winning SEO company, we pride ourselves on offering our clients a clear vision of their SEO campaigns. Black hat tactics have no place in our approach, and we offer a full suite of services to help you reach your business objectives. Get in touch to see how we can help you improve your website’s visibility!

What is the best Sydney SEO company?

The best SEO company is one that has extensive experience in local SEO campaigns, has a team of SEO specialists, a proven track record of digital marketing success, and a commitment to provide you with quality SEO in Sydney. Filament is that company! Don’t just take our word for it – SEMRush has awarded us for our work!

How much do Sydney SEO services cost?

While the cost of SEO services varies, the price reflects the quality and scale of the project. At Filament, we aim to be as transparent as possible regarding our prices. We offer detailed quotes depending on your individual business requirements, so you know exactly what you’re paying for. Contact us today for a discussion about our SEO packages.