B2B Web Design Agency

“Don’t judge a book by its cover” is a phrase that’s becoming increasingly irrelevant in the modern business world. Did you know that it takes your website visitors just 0.05 seconds to form an opinion about your company’s credibility and whether they should stay on your site?

Now that’s a snap judgment!

For B2B tech businesses, the expectation for those 0.05 seconds is even higher. Your web design needs to be professional, modern and, most importantly, easy to use. Otherwise, a question is quickly raised in the minds of potential customers: Can this business really be trusted?

At Filament, we seal your first impression with a ‘wow’ factor.

Our B2B Web Design Solutions Accelerate Your Success

Whether you’re going through a website redesign project, have an existing website that needs a facelift, or you’re starting from scratch, you’re in the right place.

Get ready to get your hands on a website that stands out from the crowd but remains true to your values and objectives.

Here’s exactly what you get when you choose Filament.

storio website | Filament

Website Strategy & Planning

Let’s be clear: at Filament, we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. “Generic” isn’t in our vocabulary. Instead, we put your business’s unique characteristics at the centre of every website design project; our strategy is tailored for you and your respective goals.

Many agencies just ask you to fill in a questionnaire; with Filament, you get real conversations with the people who will be executing your project. That’s how we make sure every decision is based on solid data tailored for you and not what looks good on paper.

The reason? B2B tech websites need to be designed and developed with a laser-focus on conversions. You need your website to drive real business growth, and without a strategy that takes into account your objectives, that’s not going to happen.

Customer-Centric B2B Websites

Gone are the days when websites were merely pretty online brochures. Today, users want more than a nice layout; they want an experience that speaks to them. That’s why, at Filament, user journeys are at the top of our priority list when it comes to web design.

We make sure that every page is designed with your customer personas in mind; we want them to feel like they’re navigating an intuitive flow and coming away from each interaction feeling satisfied.

For you, that means a seamless customer journey that results in lead generation, more conversions, and a higher ROI. No more leads getting dropped in the funnel or users getting frustrated with your website; optimised user experience is key.

seo link building | Filament

100% Custom Design Elements

Remember when we said that “generic” isn’t in our vocabulary? We meant it. You won’t have the same website look as everyone else in your market because we don’t cut corners with cookie-cutter design templates.

At Filament, we specialise in building custom WordPress websites for B2B tech businesses. Custom is the keyword – we take a tailored approach to all of our website designs. From content to layout, every element is custom-made for your business goals.

We’re passionate about making sure you have the right digital presence, which is why we work with you to create a website that perfectly encapsulates who you are as a business and what sets you apart from the competition.

If we were to use a phrase to sum up our approach, it would be “fit for purpose”.

Search Engine Optimised Websites

We all know the drill: to get qualified leads, you need to get eyeballs on your website first. No matter how wonderfully designed it is, it won’t do you much good if nobody can find it. That’s why every website we deliver is optimised for search engines and gets you a continuous stream of organic search traffic.

If you’re worried about slipping down the rankings when you launch your new website, don’t be – we’ll make sure it’s perfectly designed to help you climb search engine rankings quickly and easily.

From the initial phases of website development and design, our team will utilise SEO best practices such as SEO-friendly titles, meta descriptions, keywords, and content to ensure that your website is seen by the right people. Beyond that, we make sure your website can easily be crawled, has the proper sitemaps, and is regularly updated with fresh content that will help you rank higher.

Once you set the foundation for SEO success, you can start working on other important aspects of growing your business.

seo keyword research | Filament
DC Two landing pages | Filament

Responsive Web Designs Suited For Any Device

More than 50% of the world’s web traffic comes from mobile devices in today’s digital space. That’s why if your website only looks and functions properly on desktop devices, you’re missing out on getting a lot of potential customers.

On top of that, Googl penalises websites that aren’t mobile-friendly. This means that if you want your business to appear on top of the search engine rankings and stay there, your website needs to be able to adjust itself across every device – from desktops and laptops to tablets and smartphones.

At Filament, we understand the importance of having a website that looks great and works flawlessly across all devices – no matter their size or resolution. Every B2B website designer on our team will make sure your website is 100% optimised for mobile (and tablet) users, with easy-to-use navigation and fast loading times so that your target audience doesn’t get frustrated and click away from your site before they even see what you have to offer.

B2B Website Design That Achieves Business Goals: Discover the Filament Difference

During your search for a website development company, you may come across companies that just want to create a website for your business. We don’t do that. At Filament, we go beyond developing a website – we craft experiences and design solutions that help B2B tech businesses make real and lasting connections with their ideal customers. Here’s why Filament’s B2B website design is different.

Award-Winning B2B Web Design Agency

In 2022, we received major recognition in the form of the Best Content Marketing Campaign award at the Semrush Search Awards, Australia. This achievement speaks to our experience and dedication to creating unique and innovative solutions for our clients that drive real results.

The award was in recognition of our work with Australia’s first VMware-designated Sovereign Cloud (one of only 19 globally certified) – a partnership between Australian Infrastructure-as-a-Service provider AUCloud and VMware. The winning campaign included the launch of AUCloud’s Desktop as a Service (DaaS) and Workspace ONE solutions powered by VMware.

The reason behind us winning this award was simple – our approach to B2B website design focused on delivering tailored digital experiences that drove real and measurable results for our client. We had a clear understanding of their target markets, objectives, channels and KPIs; and created an integrated marketing communications strategy, based on the strategic insights we gathered, which set the stage for success.

We want to do the same for you, too.

Semrush Search Awards Australia | Filament
custom web design | Filament

Expert B2B Website Designers

When we said that “generic” isn’t a word in our vocabulary, we forgot to say that it applies to our business model, too. We specialise in two aspects of web design: WordPress (the most popular content management system worldwide), and B2B tech.

At Filament, we believe modern B2B tech businesses should have websites that reflect their level of sophistication and innovation. We understand the unique challenges associated with creating a website design that resonates with tech-savvy customers, so we work closely together to create an accessible yet innovative web presence suited to your target markets.

When you work with us, you’re getting years of experience building successful B2B tech websites – from widely recognised brands to early-stage startups. That means you don’t only get a stunning website design, but also strategic guidance and advice on how to use your website more effectively.

Post-Launch Support

Websites are never a one-off project–it’s a fact. Right after you launch, we provide ongoing support and hands-on assistance to help you get the most out of your investment. We’re aware that edits and tweaks may need to be made, so we offer a streamlined process to make sure your website is always up-to-date and running as it should.

We’ve heard the stories of countless businesses that felt abandoned after launch, so that’s why we commit to staying by your side long after our project is complete. We’ll be there to answer any questions you have and provide technical support for as long as you need us. Just let us take the wheel!

helpdesk support | Filament

Ongoing Reporting of Website Analytics

B2B tech websites are built with a specific goal in mind – they’re never just a pretty face. That’s why knowing how well your website is performing against those objectives is crucial. Otherwise, you’re just guessing.

When you choose to work with us, we use the latest analytical tools to track the progress of your website and measure its performance against key targets. We then provide you with detailed analytics and reporting of your website’s performance on a regular basis. From the number of visitors you receive to conversion rates over time, you’ll get all the information you need to make sure your website is working for you.

This helps us make sure we’re on track with the original objectives set out for the website and allows us to continually tweak and adjust as needed. And when all decisions are backed by data, you can trust that your website is going to be working its hardest for you.

It’s not enough to just launch a website and hope it works – with our help, you’ll have the insights and data needed to make sure that your website is always delivering results.

Hands-Off Maintenance & Management

We know there are countless moving parts involved in running a B2B tech business, and you don’t have breathing room to be managing a website every day. That’s why our team offers ongoing maintenance and management services to keep your website up to date and running smoothly so you focus on what matters.

From keeping up with latest security patches and plugin updates to ensuring all links are working properly and fixing minor bugs, we’ll work hard behind the scenes so that you don’t have to. Our main focus is always making sure that your website is secure, fast, and reliable so that you can rest assured knowing your business is in the best hands.

With our help, all the hard work will be handled while you focus on growing your business.

real marketing results | Filament
full service agency | Filament

360-Degree Digital Marketing Services

How inconvenient is it to have to brief multiple vendors for each service you need? Not only is it time-consuming, but a lack of collaboration can lead to a lot of miscommunication and mistakes. One day, you’re sending the same brief to multiple vendors and hoping they all get it. The next, you’re dealing with the repercussions that come from those miscommunications – a web of tangled wires and too much noise.

At Filament, we want to make your digital marketing journey smoother by offering a full suite of services under one roof. From content marketing and copywriting to SEO and paid advertisement campaigns, our comprehensive digital marketing services ensure you hit your targets.

With our team on board, you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that all your digital marketing efforts are working together in harmony to help you reach your desired outcomes. The result? A seamless, comprehensive marketing strategy that converts and helps you grow your business.

A Trusted B2B Website Design Process That Ensures Results

Our defined website design process and project methodology ensures your successful website becomes your most important marketing asset.

1. Briefing

We start off with an in-depth discovery call to gather your requirements and create a roadmap of what we’ll be working on.

2. User Experience Research

We conduct user experience research to understand the target audience, their preferences, and how they interact with websites. This helps us create designs that are tailored to their needs and lead to successful conversions.

3. Wireframe Preparation

We create a wireframe (a blueprint of sorts) for the website so that you can get a clear idea of how the website is going to look and function. This helps us establish the scope of work for our developers.

4. Initial Design

Once you approve the wireframe, we’ll move on to creating the initial design that embodies your branding and works for your business.

5. WordPress Website Development

Following the design phase, it’s time to get to the development stage. We’ll be building your website on the most reliable CMS platform, WordPress, resulting in a secure and user-friendly website.

6. QA & Testing

We’ll thoroughly test the site across multiple browsers and devices, make sure all features are functioning properly, and double-check the security protocols for optimal performance.

7. Launch!

It’s go time! We’ll launch your website and monitor its performance for a smooth transition.

8. Optimise

Once your website is live, we won’t just leave you stranded – we’ll be providing ongoing optimisation and maintenance to ensure your website is running at its best and hitting all your goals.

Book Your FREE B2B Website Design Consultation!

How does this all sound? If you’re leaning towards getting started with us, book your free consultation!

We’ll be happy to walk you through our process, discuss the solutions tailored to your business needs, and answer all of your questions. And don’t worry – there’s no commitment, there’s no sales pitch, so there’s absolutely nothing to lose!

B2B Web Design Agency Frequently Asked Questions

Why should you hire a B2B web design agency?

When you hire a B2B web design agency, you’re investing in a team of experienced professionals who specialise in creating websites that meet the needs and objectives of businesses. From a website with a minimalist design to a feature-rich website complete with advanced functionality and digital marketing solutions, they ensure that your website is built to the highest standards.

What do B2B web design companies do to help you stand out?

B2B web design companies can help you stand out from the competition by creating a website that looks and feels professional, is user-friendly, and provides value to your visitors. Through custom designs, strategic content placement, and sophisticated features like custom development and search engine optimisation, they make sure that your site stands out with the perfect blend of aesthetics and functionality.

How should you choose the best B2B web design company?

The process of choosing a WordPress web design agency is an important one and shouldn’t be taken lightly. You want to make sure that you’re investing in a quality web design team who have the experience and expertise to deliver an optimized, functional website. Here are a few factors to consider when selecting a WordPress web design agency:

  • Experience: Make sure the team you choose has a proven track record of successful WordPress projects.
  • Niche Expertise: General experience won’t always cut it. Look for an agency that specializes in WordPress AND understands your niche.
  • Portfolio: Check out their portfolio and make sure that they have the skillsets necessary to create the website you envision.
  • Reviews: Read reviews from past clients to get an idea of how satisfied people have been with the agency’s services.
  • Price: Compare prices to make sure you’re getting the best value for your money.
  • Communication: Make sure that communication is open and reliable throughout the project.

When it comes to choosing the best B2B web design company, there are a few key factors you should consider.

First and foremost, make sure they have the experience and portfolio to show for their work. Do your research on past projects and read reviews from previous clients to get an idea of how they operate.

It’s also important that they understand the unique needs of your business as well as the industry you’re in so that they can create a website that meets all your requirements.

Finally, make sure to ask about their process for creating and launching a website, from concept to launch. This will ensure you have a smooth working experience with them throughout the project.