Do you need a new website for your business or a complete overhaul of your outdated one? A web design agency with a dedicated team of web design experts will help you get a brand new website.

But be aware: not all agencies in Sydney will be suitable for your needs.

Your business deserves a custom website design that consistently delivers great results, attracts the right prospects and drives lead generation and conversions, not just a basic web portal with your business’ name slapped on it.

So, how do you choose the right web development in Sydney?

This guide will make it easier for you to choose the right Sydney web design agency for your project.

1. Define Your Website Strategy

Before you start comparing web design agencies, it’s important to define your website strategy. This will make it much easier for you to understand your needs and choose a design agency capable of fulfilling these needs. 

Here’s a rough checklist of what you need to include in your website strategy:

  • Business objectives: Why do you need a website? How important is owning and managing a website important for your business?
  • Target Audience: Who do you expect to visit your website and what do you need them to do when they land on it?
  • Competitor analysis: Who are your competitors? What do their websites look like? What would make your prospects buy from you instead of your competitors?

Once you’ve drafted a comprehensive website strategy, search for a web design agency that can tailor a unique solution to turn this strategy into tangible results instead of one that offers a one-size-fits-all solution.

We recommend steering away from agencies that ask you to fill out a simple questionnaire or conduct a 10-minute call to learn about your needs and priorities—you need an agency that’s invested in your business success as much as you are. Look for a team of experts who are willing to engage in real conversations that help them create a customised solution based on your objectives, market dynamics, and target audience. 

2. Set Your Timeline and budget

Before you begin your search for a web design agency, it’s important to set a realistic estimation of your budget and the date you expect your website to launch. 

When deciding on a budget, it’s a good idea to set a range instead of a fixed amount to have multiple agency options. It’s also worth noting that not all agencies may be able to finish your project within your expected timeframe but sometimes may charge you extra if you’re in a hurry, like if you’re approaching a product launch or have a big event coming up.

Nevertheless, setting a budget ensures that the project’s costs never go out of hand and helps you narrow down potential web design agencies.

3. Get a Consultation from Multiple Web Design Agencies

If you want a strong online presence, you must choose the right web design agency for your business. The best approach here is to get consultations from multiple agencies to compare their services—merely checking their website and packages isn’t enough for you to make an informed decision. 

Start by identifying a list of potential agencies and schedule consultations with each one. During these consultations, discuss your project’s goals, timeline, budget, and any specific requirements you may have. Consultations will also give you a good idea about the agency’s communication skills and how invested they are in understanding your needs.

Take notes when you can, and then compare between agencies based on the value they provide and how they can be the right fit for your project.

4. Evaluate Their Approach to UX and Design in Website Development

A website is more than just a bunch of eye-candy elements put together—you need a user-centric website that provides the best possible User experience (UX) and drives results. 

To achieve this, look for a web design agency that understands the importance of UX in web design and treats it as a fundamental part of the design process. 

For some agencies, UX is limited to “guessing” the appropriate locations for elements like menus and CTA buttons, but that doesn’t constitute even 5% of the UX design approach.

Ideally, you should be working with a web design agency that integrates UX-focused processes such as user research, interviews, and persona development into their web design strategy, as well as tailored designs that match your brand’s key messaging with your customers’ interests and needs to drive lead generation and closed deals. 

The ultimate goal is to create a user journey that makes it easier for your prospects to find what they need quickly and eliminate complexity without compromising functionality. Avoid web designers that use pre-designed website templates or exclusively focus on visuals instead of functionality and user-centricity.

5. Understand How They Measure Success

Results-focused web design agencies measure their success with data-based analytics and insights. It should be a core part of the project, rather than an added service for extra costs. 

Once a web design agency launches a website, they need to keep track of performance data from day one to understand how users navigate their website and identify possible areas of improvement. 

For example, if your goal is lead generation, but a smaller number of prospects than expected are submitting their contact info, the design team should consider adjustments to form design, CTAs, and any other aspect that may influence a prospect’s decision to fill out the form. 

If Google Search Console’s data is showing that your website is falling behind in terms of ranking, you could be dealing with a website speed or security issue. 

Ask if the agency has a plan for pre-launch and post-launch analytics and whether their packages include performance audits. Check their portfolio to see if their past projects include conversion rates or the number of leads generated to get an idea of how much they value positive results. 

If they outsource their analytics or don’t have a standardised success measurement process, there’s a good chance that they’re not invested in developing projects that yield results. 

Key tools that can be utilised here include Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics 4, Google Ads tracking, and Google Search Console. 

6. Review Their Portfolio

Taking a look at a web design agency’s portfolio will make it easier for you to decide if they’re the right fit for the job. 

The portfolio should showcase how the agency tackled the project’s challenges and how that yielded a positive impact on the client’s business. 

It’s also a big plus if the agency has worked with other clients in your industry. For instance, if your business model requires customers to book appointments, having previous experience with designing websites in your industry can help the agency ensure a seamless appointment booking experience for your customers.

On top of that, an agency with experience in your industry may be able to conduct a gap analysis between your competitors’ websites and your in-progress website, giving you a competitive edge in the market.

Other general factors to take note of include:

Brand Identity

When you visit one of their clients’ websites, are you able to quickly recognise their brand identity? The overall website’s design aesthetic and colour choices should match those of the client’s brand. 

Use of Images

Choosing the right images and placing them in the right spots on your website can positively enhance its visual appeal and empower your key messaging. While browsing through the agency’s portfolio, observe how they use imagery in their clients’ websites. Are they just placing random images in random locations, or do they actually add something meaningful to the website’s design?

Website Structure

Your website’s structure should enable visitors to seamlessly navigate through it and find what they need without frustration. 

You can test this on the websites that the agency has worked on in the past. Visit the website yourself and act like you’re a prospect who’s trying to find the business’ contact info, for example. You should be able to easily find it without going through countless menus and pages. 

Page Loading Speed

Website speed is critical, both when it comes to the overall user experience and the website’s SEO. Check the agency’s portfolio websites and notice how fast pages load as you browse through the website’s different pages. You can also use a speed test tool like Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool.

With a faster website, you’ll be able to reduce bounce rates, increase conversions, and improve your visitors’ first impression of your business. 

7. Check Client Testimonials and Reviews

Checking client testimonials is a great way to learn about a web design agency’s competency and quality of work. 

However, it’s important to make sure that the testimonials aren’t fake, especially if they’re on the agency’s website. Ideally, you should only trust client testimonials on independent, third party review websites. An unbiased testimonial will include the drawbacks of working with the agency, not just the positives. 

It’s hard to believe that everything in a particular web design project goes just as planned from start to finish, so make sure that the testimonials are detailed and real. 

8. Assess Their Communication and Project Management

Evaluating a web design agency’s competency based on their technical expertise only isn’t enough to determine if they’re suitable to work with. Effective communication is also important to ensure timely and accurate submission of deliverables. 

Here, it’s crucial to assess the agency’s project management capabilities. How efficient are they in handling day-to-day tasks? Were they responsive when you approached them? How long do they take to get back to you?

Moreover, you need to ask them how they take care of project timelines and the systems they use to manage their projects and handle client relationships. You should also inquire on how often you can expect to be updated on the development process. 

9. Ensure An Approach to SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) involves a set of practices that increase a website’s visibility in search engines like Google and Bing for specific search keywords.

Typically, search engines reward authoritative websites that are fast, secure, and offer an exceptional user experience.

If a website isn’t designed from the ground up with SEO in mind, its chances of competing with more established websites are slim.

Look for a web design agency that treats SEO as an integral part of the website’s foundation instead of just a secondary concern. They should have at least one team member whose primary job is to optimise the website’s SEO.

If an agency’s idea of SEO is to install some SEO plugins and fill the website with random keywords without a strategy, this is a red flag that the agency lacks knowledge about SEO.

Ask if they will create a sitemap for your website, how they’ll structure the website’s hierarchy and content in accordance with SEO best practices, and whether they’ll carry out competitive keyword research before or after launch. 

Your website should be easy to find and crawl by search engines, which can be achieved by adding metadata and optimising the website’s speed and structure. 

10. Mobile-Friendliness

Adopting a mobile-friendly website is no longer a secondary concern—people now browse the web with their phones more than their desktop computers. In fact, up to 92% of Internet users visit websites from their mobile devices. 

Not to mention, search engines reward websites designed with a mobile-first approach over websites that display and act awkwardly when accessed from phones.

Discuss the agency’s approach to responsive web design. Are their previous websites mobile-friendly and responsive? Are all the website’s functions equally easy to do on both mobiles and desktops? What about tablets? 

11. Use of AI in Web Design

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) boom of the early 2020s has led companies in almost all tech industries to leverage its capabilities in their projects.

It provides great efficiency gains and enables fast and seamless data collection and analytics.

Consider asking the web design agency about their stance on AI usage. While AI provides a big leap forward in productivity, overreliance on AI can significantly compromise quality. 

Ideally, the agency shouldn’t be 100% against the use of AI. At the same time, they aren’t supposed to be using it to build websites from the ground up with little input from their design team. 

Instead, a web design agency that uses AI in supplementary tasks like content auditing and audience research will be able to finish your project faster without affecting the quality of the final product. 

12. Check the Content Management System (CMS) They Use

Content Management Systems have made it easier for website administrators to upload and edit content with little to no technical background. 

Almost all web design agencies will integrate a CMS into your website’s design to facilitate publishing content. However, not all CMS solutions provide a seamless user interface. Before signing the contract, consider inquiring about the CMS the agency uses in its projects. WordPress is one of the most popular and user-friendly content management systems. 

13. Ongoing Support and Maintenance

A web design project doesn’t end with the agency launching your website. Websites need ongoing maintenance and support to ensure security and consistent performance and user experiences. Moreover, it’s very likely that some bugs will only unfold after launch, particularly when more people visit your website.

When comparing different web design firms, ask about their post-launch support policy. Is it included in the primary package? How fast is their support team? How long should you expect the agency to support your website? What are the fees for extending the scope of support? 

14. Ask About Their Testing Process

A strict testing process is important to ensure that your website is working as expected and there aren’t any major bugs or performance hiccups that could affect user experience. 

Ask about the agency’s testing procedures and how they can guarantee a successful website launch for you. 

Ideally, they should be implementing a multi-stage testing process that involves:

  • Unit testing: Involves testing individual website elements for bugs
  • Integration testing: Tests the interconnected parts of the website to ensure they’re working appropriately
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT): The agency allows real users to test the website to spot any errors or problems that aren’t easily identifiable in the website’s code.
  • Performance testing: Tests the website’s speed and stability.

In addition to pre-launch testing, the agency should be available to support your website and fix any issues or bugs that may arise. 

15. Check if They Have any Digital Marketing Specialists on Their Team

In this day and age, web design isn’t just limited to creating a functional, eye-candy website; it’s actually considered an integral part of the marketing strategy. Having a website that supports and aligns with your marketing objectives is essential for generating more leads and increasing conversions. 

So we recommend choosing a web design agency that also has experience in marketing or at least has marketing specialists on their team. Marketing professionals will provide insights into the website’s SEO, structure, integration with social media platforms, and content strategy. This way, you ensure that the website’s design doesn’t contradict with your marketing plans.

What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Web Design Agency?

Access an Entire Team of Experts

Building a website demands expertise from multiple individuals with different backgrounds. 

The basics of a high-quality website include:

  • A professional design
  • high-quality content
  • SEO optimisation
  • A user-centric interface
  • Post-launch maintenance

A web design agency provides you with a team of experts that knows how to perfectly execute these tasks.

Moreover, collaborating with professional web design agencies ensures that your website’s appearance aligns with your brand identity and meets your customers’ expectations.

They also typically have marketers and copywriters who create all the needed page content for your website, saving you the hassle of having to hire a copywriter. 

Customise Your Website Based on Your Needs and Preferences

Competent web design agencies enable you to tailor your website to your business priorities, customer needs, and brand image.

The goal is to create a website that both looks good and aligns with your high-level objectives.  

A web design agency will work closely with you to learn about your business requirements, target audience, and objectives. They use this information to create a website that meets your needs and helps achieve your goals.

Investing in professional, custom design offers several benefits:

  • Enhance user engagement: A user-friendly website encourages visitors to spend more time on your website, creating a positive customer experience.
  • Build a strong brand identity: A well-designed website aligns with your brand’s image and values, creating a memorable online presence that sets you apart from competitors.
  • Get higher conversion rates: Professional web designers strategically use CTAs and other website elements to encourage conversions, turning prospects into customers.

Rank Higher in Search Engine Results

A professional web design agency with marketing expertise will be able to improve your website’s visibility in search engines, ensuring that your target customers are able to find your website when they search for your brand name or keywords related to your offerings. 

With an SEO-proficient web design agency, you’ll have a fast, user-friendly website that leverages keywords effectively to reach local and international customers.

Increase Website Conversions

The primary goal of a website is to attract visitors and guide them toward specific actions, such as subscribing to a service or signing up for a newsletter.

If a website is complex or difficult to navigate, your prospects are likely to bounce off your website and turn to your competitors.

Professional web designers ensure that your website is designed to guide visitors toward desired actions, maximising conversions.

Improve Brand Image and Earn Customer Trust

Everyone can create a website on their own, with no-code website builders and content management systems making the process a whole lot easier for non-technical users.

However, without any real expertise in web design, you’ll likely run into website and user-experience problems that could drive customers away. 

A professional web design agency will help you create a smooth, reliable website, boosting your brand image and helping you earn user trust. 

Sydney Web Designers Frequently Asked Questions

What is a web design agency?

A web design agency is an organisation that builds websites for businesses. They have large teams with diverse technical and marketing backgrounds, as well as graphic designers, and content creators. 

Web design agencies offer comprehensive web design solutions that include visuals, user experience, content, SEO optimisation, and in some cases, marketing strategies too.

What is the difference between web design and web development?

Web design is concerned with the visual and aesthetic aspects of a website—how it looks and feels to the user. The elements of the web design process include:

  • Layout
  • Colour schemes
  • User experience

Web development, on the other hand, deals with the technical side of building a website., such as:

  • Writing code
  • Creating functionality
  • API integrations
  • Backend development

However, it’s important to note that a “web design” agency typically delivers you a complete, fully functional website that includes web development services, not just the user-facing part. They just happen to be called web design agencies, but they usually offer the full service of building websites from start to end as they typically have web developers on their team. 

Should I hire a freelance web designer or a web development company?

The choice between hiring a freelance web designer and a web design agency depends on your specific needs and budget. 

Hiring a freelance web designer can be a cost-effective solution for smaller projects or businesses with limited budgets. The advantages include personalized attention to your needs, flexibility, and better communication.

However, web design agencies offer a broader range of services and a team of experts who can handle larger, more complex projects. 

Agencies can provide comprehensive support, including design, development, SEO, and ongoing maintenance, which are essential for business growth.

How long does it take a web design digital agency to launch a new website?

The time it takes to launch a new website varies greatly depending on the project’s complexity, the number of pages, and the features needed for a smooth user experience. 

Typically, a basic website can take anywhere from 4 weeks all the way up to 8 weeks. 

More advanced websites with custom features, API connections, online store capabilities, or extensive content can take from several months to up to a year. 

For how long do web design agencies support websites after launch?

Support duration after the launch of a website varies depending on the agency and the support package you choose. 

Many web design agencies offer a period of complimentary support, ranging from 30 to 90 days, to address any immediate issues or bugs. After this initial period, ongoing support is usually available through an ongoing website maintenance plan, which can include updates, security monitoring, backups, and technical support. 

Make sure to discuss and understand the support options and costs before finalising your contract with the agency.

Filament: Your Trusted Web Design Partner

At Filament, we understand how competitive the B2B tech industry is in Sydney. Our goal is to design a top-tier website that enables you to meet customer expectations and gain a competitive edge in the market.

We offer holistic web design solutions tailored to the unique challenges of the B2B tech industry, ensuring minimal risk and maximum results. Our web design services include WordPress development, user-first navigation, mobile responsiveness, site speed optimisation, user-friendly content management systems, SEO integration, analytics tracking, and ongoing support. 

With a proactive approach to web design, we continuously optimise and tweak websites for uncompromised performance. 

Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your website’s needs.

In today’s competitive world, creating a successful online marketing and sales engine requires more than well-calculated digital marketing strategies. It’s essential to have a well-designed and compelling website.

A tech company’s success is heavily influenced by website design and website development for technology companies.

That’s why B2B marketers of tech companies can benefit significantly from analyzing the top 10 B2B technology and information technology websites. Let’s look at some of the most compelling sites to get inspired. 

Importance of a Well-Designed B2B Tech Website for Your Business

You already know that a B2B tech website can help you grow your brand. However, for you to realize its full potential as your most critical marketing asset, you need to create a compelling B2B tech website that attracts, engages and converts. 

Let’s explore some key benefits of having a well-designed B2B tech website:

  • It offers you the opportunity to display your business and its values to your potential customers.
  • You get to flex your web design skills in the competitive technology industry
  • It’s the ultimate cheat code for attracting and retaining visitors. That’s because you offer them value through engaging content and user-friendly features
  • With the right calls to action to optimize your conversion funnel, you can convert visitors to leads or customers
  • You can use client testimonials, awards you’ve received, or case studies to establish credibility.
  • You can display your expertise with custom graphics, video content, and animated graphics.
  • A well-designed website helps you boost your online presence. Take advantage of SEO optimization and social media integration.

Key Elements and Principles of a Good Tech Website Design

Would you like the web page for your technical website to be useful, detailed, and express its purpose? Well, your web design must adhere to a number of rules and guidelines. Here are a few things that web designers should keep in mind:

  • Clear and Organized Structure
  • Engaging Visuals
  • Comprehensive and Accurate Content
  • Responsive Design
  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Performance and Speed
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Accessibility
  • Interactive Elements
  • Social proof and testimonials to build trust and position yourself as an expert.

Remember that the specific design elements and principles may change based on your intended audience, industry, and objectives for the technological website. 

You need to study your target market and keep up with the latest web design, trends and best practices in the IT sector.

Top 10 B2B tech and IT websites that will inspire and elevate your own tech website design

Here are the top 10 B2B tech and IT websites that will inspire and elevate your own tech website design:

snyk tech website design | Filament

1. Snyk

When it comes to protecting your application’s data, code, and infrastructure in the cloud, Snyk is the developer security platform you need. Snyk offers robust security features and tools with the goal of enabling developers to create safe apps.

How Snyk’s Website Design Reflects Its Brand Identity and Values

Snyk’s website design is in harmony with its brand identity and values through the site that emphasizes clarity through straightforward navigation. This approach embodies Snyk’s pledge to supply developers with accessible security solutions.

The minimalistic but intuitive layout demonstrates that the intricate realm of developer safety measures is part of their cornerstone for success. 

The modern design language leaves an impression of professionalism that aligns with other tech industry top-leading firms that cater to safeguarding technology companies and platforms’ interests.

Not only does this design enhance user interaction, but it also reassures visitors about trusting Snyk as they explore its services’ diverse capabilities, which they could utilize.

Best Features and Aspects of Snyk’s Website Design

  • User-Friendly Navigation
  • Clear Value Propositions
  • Engaging Visuals such as illustrations, screenshots, and animations
  • Detailed product images, descriptions, use cases, and customer testimonials contribute to building trust and credibility
  • Responsive design for an optimal experience across different devices and screen sizes.
vmware tech website design | Filament

2. VMware

VMware, Inc. is a market leader in the provision of cloud and virtualization services through its proprietary software. Its clientele spans the public and private sectors in areas including telecom, healthcare, retail, and finance.

How VMware’s Website Design Showcases Its Expertise and Authority

The VMware brand is synonymous with its tech products, expertise, reliability, and innovation. Its website design effectively showcases these qualities, creating a strong impression of authority and professionalism on the tech company or website.

Here are some key aspects of VMware’s website design that contribute to its brand positioning:

  • Clean and Professional Layout: The VMware website style is clean and professional looking, with a standard color palette and fonts throughout. Visitors can better focus on the information because of the liberal use of white space.
  • Striking Visuals: VMware’s graphics and images are of the highest quality, demonstrating the company’s tech prowess. Brand legitimacy and market leadership are bolstered by visuals showing cutting-edge information technology infrastructure, data centers, and virtualization technologies.
  • User-Friendly Navigation: VMware’s website is built with the user experience in mind, so navigating it is a breeze. Visitors may immediately access the data they require thanks to the menu’s user-friendliness and straightforward structure. Having a search bar available as you browse is a huge time saver.

Best Features and Aspects of VMware Website Design

Here’s a breakdown of the best features and aspects of VMware website design:

A compelling homepage: VMware’s homepage shows you VMware’s products and solutions with their benefits.

The product page features a grid layout: Here you will find the different VMware’s products for your cloud computing, and virtualization needs.

The solutions page features a list layout: In the solutions page, you’ll see how VMware’s products help different industries. For every solution there’s a high quality photo, a title composed of bold colors. You’ll also see a product summary featuring white spaces and a call-to-action button with bright colors.

A resources page to help you learn more about VMware: The resources page features a filtered list that directs you to blogs, high quality photos and webinars.

VMware’s website design also features other pages like:

  • The events page with a calendar view
  • The company page with timeline design showing VMware’s milestones
hpe tech website design | Filament

3. Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) is a well-known IT company that provides businesses with a wide variety of tech hardware and software. HPE is a tech market leader because of its broad tech and enterprise products, solutions, and services. Hybrid IT, Intelligent Edge, Financial Services, and Corporate Investments are just some examples of the business divisions the tech company operates under to serve the many facets of the IT industry.

How HPE’s Website Design Creates a Captivating and Immersive User Experience

HPE’s website is designed with the user in mind, with a focus on simplicity and accessibility to content. Users may quickly get the details they want, thanks to the thorough design. A better user experience is achieved by the website’s usage of both high-quality images and well-structured information. 

The site’s responsive design provides interoperability across numerous platforms, making it simple for visitors to peruse HPE’s offerings regardless of the device they’re using to access the site, be it a desktop computer, tablet, or mobile phone.

HPE’s website design does a great job of showcasing the company’s goods, services, and solutions in a way that’s easy to understand. Users are able to easily grasp just what all HPE provides because of the website’s lucid product and service descriptions. In order to help visitors understand more about HPE tech products and make educated judgments, the site also has case studies, blogs, videos and other tips.

Best Features and Aspects of HPE’s Website Design

  • User-Friendly Navigation
  • Responsive Design: The website is optimized for different devices, ensuring a seamless user experience regardless of the device used to access the site.
  • Visual Appeal
  • Valuable Content
  • Clear Call-to-Action guides users to take specific actions such as requesting a quote, contacting sales, or exploring additional resources.
netapp tech website design | Filament

4. NetApp

NetApp Inc is a leading company based in California that specializes in storage systems and data management solutions. They offer a wide range of software and hardware products, serving industries such as energy, finance, tech, healthcare, manufacturing, entertainment, and telecommunications.

With a global presence and a focus on improved productivity and performance, NetApp helps organizations optimize their data management and storage needs worldwide.

How NetApp’s Website Design Inspires Trust and Confidence in Its Users

  • Clean and modern layout
  • Intuitive navigation for easy information retrieval
  • Clear and concise language to communicate product value
  • Showcases customer success stories to demonstrate expertise
  • Comprehensive product information and tech resources
  • Customer support options available

Best Tech Websites Features and Aspects of NetApp’s Website Design

  • User-Friendly Navigation
  • Engaging Visuals
  • Clear Product Descriptions
  • Customer Success Stories
  • Technical Resources and Support
splunk tech website design | Filament

5. Splunk

Splunk was founded in 2003 with the objective of making the digital world safer and more resilient through its global operations. By utilizing their suite of software options coupled with APIs and app solutions, they help organizations achieve digital resilience while also boosting adaptability. 

How Splunk’s Website Design Appeals to its Target Audience and Reflects Its Brand Personality

Visiting Splunk’s website can feel welcoming for all visitors seeking information about their products or services. The conversational tone used throughout the site respectfully acknowledges that some individuals may have different levels of understanding when it comes to these topics. 

The website answers popular tech world of questions straightforwardly. Also, the visual designs on the webpage offer helpful aids for comprehension that even those less familiar with tech-related jargon can appreciate. 

Notably, these visual aids are pleasing to engage with while contributing significantly to how well ideas are conveyed.

Best Features and Aspects of Splunk’s Website Design

  • Clear and conversational content.
  • Visual enhancements with images, illustrations, and infographics complement the content and make it more engaging.
  • The well-structured navigation menu allows users to find the information they are looking for easily.
  • Resource availability, including training and certification courses, tutorials, documentation, and customer success stories.
  • Community engagement of users fosters a sense of belonging and encourages knowledge sharing.
  • Website accessible across different devices, ensuring a seamless user experience regardless of the platform used.
citrix tech website design | Filament

6. Citrix

Citrix Systems is a leading cloud computing and virtualization company based in the United States. Citrix has established itself as a provider of innovative software solutions that enable secure access to applications and content. 

How Citrix’s Website Design Shows Its Value Proposition and Differentiators

Clear communication of value proposition distinguishes Citrix’s website from others on the market.

Their site design makes relevant information readily accessible while high-quality visuals heighten user engagement with branding concepts.

Digging deeper into Citrix’s website reveals industry-leading analyses, exposing an abundance of invaluable resources covering diverse areas of business leadership informed by customer feedback.

Best Technology Websites Features and Aspects of Citrix’s Website Design Elements

Citrix’s website design incorporates several noteworthy features and aspects best tech website that contribute to its effectiveness:

  • Responsive website design
  • User-friendly structure
  • Compelling call-to-action
  • Interactive elements like product demos, videos, and infographics to create an immersive browsing experience
  • Localization and personalization
hubspot tech website design | Filament

7. HubSpot

HubSpot is a powerful CRM (Customer Relationship Management) technology platform offering various tools and features for marketing, sales, and customer service teams. It is known for its comprehensive free plan, which provides extensive functionality and supports up to a million contacts.

How HubSpot’s Website Design Educates and Engages Its Visitors

One can’t overlook the effortless blend of information and branding strategies displayed at Hubspot’s company site. The perfect balance between education and entertainment continuously proves successful in stirring engagement among users.

Notably, its remarkable contemporary aesthetics give it a smooth finish while propelling easy exploration through pages.

To ensure user-friendliness throughout a full single page web page, each section of the HubSpot website design remains immaculately arranged.

The neat arrangement ensures swift identification of information.

Best Features and Aspects of HubSpot’s Website Design

  • Comprehensive information about its products, pricing, and features
  • Interactive tools and demos provide hands-on experience with its products 
  • HubSpot’s website design employs visually appealing layouts, high-quality images, and consistent branding
  • The responsive design maintains site usability and readability regardless of the device.
  • Customer testimonials and case studies highlight the success stories of businesses utilizing HubSpot. 
  • Strategically placed and visually distinct calls to action (CTAs) encourage visitors to take the next steps, such as signing up for a free trial, requesting a demo, or contacting the sales team.
github tech website design | Filament

8. GitHub

GitHub is a software service that offers code repository hosting and management. Software development teams use its platform to leverage collaboration, innovation, and security during code development.

How GitHub’s Website Design Showcases Its Innovation and Vision

If you’ve used GitHub’s platform before, you’ve probably loved how it combines simplicity, elegance, and power.

The tech website uses a black and white color scheme, which represents sophistication, contrast, and clarity.

It also features white space, icons, animations, and logos. They give you a feel of what you can expect from GitHub’s products and features.

GitHub has an intuitive and adaptive website design. That means you can comfortably use it on your smartphone or PC.

Best Features and Aspects of GitHub’s Website Design

Now let’s look at the impressive features and aspects the brand offers in its website design. They include:

Simple and secure sign in page: GitHub allows you to sign in to your account seamlessly. You just need your email address or username and password.

Comprehensive and customizable profile design: The brand allows you to customize your profile. It lets you edit your personal details and display your projects, repositories, and following, among others.

Detailed and fully-functional repository page: GitHub has a user-friendly repository page. You won’t have difficulty viewing your repository files, settings, or projects.

The website design also features the following:

  • A collaborative pull request page that allows you to review code changes.
  • An analytical and remedial code-scanning page where you can detect and remedy vulnerabilities in your code.
atlassian tech website design | Filament

9. Atlassian

Atlassian is a renowned software company that provides various tools and solutions to help teams collaborate, organize, and achieve their goals effectively.

The tech company’s brand reflects its values and the user experience it aims to deliver. Atlassian’s mission is to unleash the potential in every team, and it promises to help teams work better together in an agile, open, and scalable way.

How Atlassian’s Website Design Fosters a Community of Writers and Readers

Atlassian creates popular software solutions like Trello and Jira, among others. Its website design also offers readers and writers a platform where they can share knowledge, ideas, and feedback.

The website features diverse, bright colors. These represent the diversity and creativity of writers and readers.

Furthermore, you’ll enjoy the illustrations, high-quality photos, animations, and icons that give Atlassian a touch of personality and fun.

Would you like to access Atlassian using your tablet, phone, or laptop? You are in luck because the website design is responsive and adapts to your device’s screen size. 

Atlassian also has a blog section featuring articles and a community section for resources.

Best Features and Aspects of Atlassian’s Website Design

Let’s look at the features and aspects of Atlassian’s website design that stand out:

A clear and catchy homepage: Atlassian has a homepage that tells you everything you need to know about its products. A welcome video displays the benefits of collaborating with its services. This move does not leave room for confusion regarding its services, so you won’t feel overwhelmed.

User-friendly navigation menu: Atlassian uses a streamlined navigation menu with bold colors. It allows for simple navigation through different sections. Do you want to find a specific product fast? No problem; there’s a search bar to make your work easier.

A grid layout in the products page: Atlassian’s product page features a grid layout which shows you its different products. You’ll be able to identify each product based on their icon, name, and short description that Atlassian displays.

Other sections include:

  • The solutions page features a list layout.
  • The resources page uses a filterable list of resources that will help you learn more about Atlassian services.
  • The events page uses a calendar view.
  • The company page shows Atlassian’s journey.
databricks tech website design | Filament

10. Databricks

Databricks is a prominent data and AI company focused on solving complex challenges for data teams. Their core belief is that data and AI should be accessible to all, driving the company with their commitment to open source, multi-cloud compatibility, and scalability.

How Databricks’ Website Design Reflects its Brand Image and Reputation

When you consider Databricks’ web design, it’s hard not to notice its sleek, professional, and modern look.

The brand uses a blue and white color scheme. These colors represent Databricks’ key pillars; trust, reliability, and intelligence.

As you browse the different sections of Databricks’ website, you’ll notice it employs subtle animation, high-quality images, and interactive elements.

Regardless of your device, you’ll experience impressive page speeds across the website’s pages. 

Best Features and Aspects of Databricks’ Website Design

Now let’s discuss the top features and aspects of Databricks website design. They include:

A clear and user-friendly homepage: Databricks’ homepage is easy to use. One feature that improves overall user experience is bold typography which emphasizes important messages and calls to action.

Easy-to-use navigation menu: Databricks makes it easy for you to navigate the website. So you can easily move between the menu items; products, resources, solutions, company, pricing, and events. The icons and drop-down menus make it neat.

Tabbed layout on the products page: The products page features a tabbed layout that displays Databricks’ technology web design skills. For each tablet, you will be greeted with a brief overview, a list of features, and a video demo.

Grid layout on the Solutions page: The solutions page shows different use cases along with each industry Databricks serves. It also features the success stories of satisfied customers.

Ready to elevate your B2B tech website?

The websites we’ve discussed are examples of inspiration you can use. Have you spotted one that sparked your curiosity? Give your business a boost in this industry with vivid images that showcase your technical expertise.

Use the best tech website design as inspiration for crafting a user-friendly website for your customers. From your web design strategy you can build a website that drives visibility for your brand while spearheading growth against stiff competition.

Want to see B2B web design in action? Check out our Web Design & Development Services.

Ready to get started? Contact us today!

Your website homepage is the most important page of your site.

It’s the first thing your visitors and target audience see when they land on your website. So, your homepage has to capture their attention, communicate your value proposition, and enable a clear path to guide them to the next step in their journey.

How can you create a great homepage and what features should your homepage design have?

This guide explains how to design a high-performing homepage, the important elements needed, and looks at some popular homepages to give you some inspiration.

What is a Homepage and Why is it Important?

A homepage is a website’s primary or default page and acts as an introduction and overview to the site. It’s also the first page visitors land when they search your brand online or type your site URL directly into a search engine.

The purpose of the homepage is to: 

  • Introduce your brand and identity to online visitors 
  • Display your products or services to potential customers
  • Give simple and responsive navigation to other important website pages
  • Compel prospective customers to take action, and
  • Build credibility and trust through reviews and social proof.

A website homepage is crucial for SEO since it’s the default page. Within the homepage content, you can link other site pages with target keywords and other SEO strategies.

A well-designed and written homepage can skyrocket your business’s online presence, communicate to potential clients and boost conversions.

What Are the Essential Elements of a High-Performing Website Homepage?

Every homepage is unique, but there are some common elements that every good website homepage web design should have:

homepage essential elements | Filament

Logo and Branding

The logo on your website acts as a representation of your brand. Its placement should be visible to any visitor on your site, and the best place is at the homepage’s top left corner. In addition, linking your logo to return to the homepage can help any visitor have a one-click return from any site page.

On the other hand, branding is the aesthetic feel of the site. It can include videos, photos, themes, tone, and more. Remember to make the branding consistent on all site pages and social media. It reflects your mission and values and can charm your target market.

Clear Value Proposition

Your value proposition is the statement that summarizes what you do, who you do it for, and why you do it better than anyone else. It’s the main reason why visitors should choose you over your competitors.

Your value proposition should be clear, concise, and compelling. You should place it prominently on your homepage, preferably the part of the page that is visible without scrolling.

A subheading that expands on the benefits or solutions you offer should also support it. Consider also in what ways your homepage content can reflect your value proposition throughout.

Intuitive, User-First Navigation

Your main navigation is the menu where site visitors gain access to your other pages. In common web design, you will find it at the top right end of a site’s homepage. The intuitive navigation has to incorporate the site’s contact page, about, blog, and offerings.

Your navigation should also include a search bar or icon, so visitors can quickly find what they want. You can also add secondary navigation elements at the footer or sidebar of your homepage. For example, links to your social media accounts, privacy policy, terms of service, and more.

Logical Structure (H1, H2, H3)

Your structure is how you organize and present the content on your homepage. It should follow a logical hierarchy that guides visitors from one section to another.

The most common way to structure your homepage is using headings (H1, H2, H3) that show each section’s importance level.

For example:

  • H1: Main headline or proposition
  • H2: Subheadings for each content section
  • H3: Sub-subheadings for each subsection

The best homepage designs use headings to help visitors to understand your content and also help search engines to crawl, understand and index your page.

Hero Section

It is one of the standout sections of your site homepage because it grabs your target’s attention and compels them to click or scroll through.

Often, this section has:

  • The headline with an offer
  • Subheading highlighting the features and benefits of your offer
  • A CTA inviting prospects to take action like making a purchase and more
  • A video or image with a message that entices your prospects


Headlines are crucial to a website’s homepage (and throughout your web design) since they are the first thing a prospect sees. So, making them captivating is essential for them to grab potential customers’ attention. It also puts a message across on your value proposition.

Here is what your headline should include:

  • Simple clear language: Communicate directly to your target audience and let them know what your business does and who is your ideal customer.
  • Compelling words: Use words that stir up emotions and curiosity in your headline.

Call to Action Buttons 

A call to action button prompts a website visitor to engage in a specified action like purchasing, subscribing, or downloading.

To make your calls to action compelling, you should:

  • Use clear and concise words: Words like “book demo,” “buy now”, or “click here” are great examples of a call to action telling the prospect what to do. 
  • Color contrast: A call to action button should stand out from the rest of the page color theme. So, try using a color that is unique and attracts attention.
  • Practice consistency and convenience: Use a consistent style across the homepage and ensure the calls to action buttons are easily visible and encourage visitor clicks.

Content Sections

They are sections that provide additional info on your business offerings to your prospects. One way to make them effective is by arranging the body copy in a well-organized order. It helps ease the prospects’ funnel journey and answer their queries.

Here are some sections you should include:

  • Display your products and how they work to solve a problem 
  • Your expertise and the team that you work with
  • Reviews and testimonials from satisfied clientele
  • Resource with valuable content, such as a blog or podcast
  • Invitation to join your community and newsletter

Client Testimonials 

When it comes to social proof when building trust and credibility, nothing comes close to client testimonials and reviews. It shows your business has products or services that help customers.

Now, when adding client testimonials and reviews to your homepage content, they should be:

  • Authentic: Source real and genuine testimonials from your clients who were satisfied with your offerings.
  • Relevant to the offering: Using reviews and testimonials relevant to your products is crucial because prospects can relate. Ensure that the review or testimonial highlights the product feature that the customer found beneficial.
  • Diversified: Reviews and testimonials from multiple audiences show the diversity of your business products or services. So, ensure you include them.
  • Catchy: Make the reviews and testimonials captivating by adding crisp images, quality videos, and ratings.

Helpful, Value-Adding Resources

Think of resources as the value you add to your target audience, either through, blogs, tutorials, articles, or ebooks of your offerings.

Now, for these resources to be valuable to the prospects, they should include the following:

  • Quality and useful content: Ensure they offer the prospect helpful and accurate info that can help them solve a pain point they’re facing
  • Free Resources: They are great lead magnets where you can get contact info from the visitor.
  • Non-salesy: The purpose of this content is to elicit trust while providing value upfront. This content should not be pushing a sales agenda.

Contact Form

A website contact form is a form that visitors fill in to communicate with you from the site directly. The form template should be easy to fill and find. In addition, it’s best to place it at the footer of your homepage or link it to another page.

The contact form should have the following:

  • Visible heading that informs the visitor why they need to get in touch and what to expect
  • Subtitle with extra info on how to get in touch
  • The contact form requests the visitor for vital information, such as phone number, email, and name
  • A button with a CTA that submits the inquiry 
  • A privacy statement that guarantees visitor data is safe


Your website footer is the very bottom section of your website homepage content. It’s where you can provide additional information and links that are not essential but still useful for your visitors.

Your footer should include:

  • Your logo and tagline
  • Your contact information
  • Your social media icons or links
  • Your navigation links
  • Your legal links, such as privacy policy, terms of service, disclaimer
  • Your copyright notice, and
  • Any links to SEO pages that need to feature on every page but don’t suit the header or horizontal navigation.

How to Design a Stunning Homepage for Your Website

We have highlighted the elements your website homepage should have. Now let’s see how you can design your homepage and make it look appealing and professional. Below are some of the steps to follow.

Define Your Goals and Objectives

Before you start designing your homepage, you need a clear idea of what you want to achieve with it. What is the primary purpose of your website homepage? What action do you want your visitors to take? How do you measure the success of your website homepage?

Some common goals for a homepage are:

  • Generate leads or subscribers
  • Increase sales or conversions
  • Build brand awareness or authority
  • Educate or inform visitors

Once you have defined your goals, you can set specific and measurable objectives for each. For example, to generate 100 leads per month from the homepage content or increase sales by 10% from the homepage. Having clear goals and objectives will help you design your homepage in a way that aligns with them and supports them.

Research Your Audience and Competitors

Knowing your target audience is important. They are the prospects interested in your offerings and have a problem your product can solve.

Some of the ways you can research your target audience are:

  • Creating a persona: Think of them as your ideal prospect representation. Personas can help you understand your prospect’s needs and ways you can help them.
  • Google Analytics: It is a free tool that your digital marketing or sales team can use to monitor site traffic and user behavior. You can get insights on visitor demographic, purchases, and more.

Researching your audience can help you create a homepage that resonates with them and persuades them to take action.

Identify Your Online Brand Style

Your online brand style is how you present yourself and communicate with your audience online. It includes your visual elements, tone, and your personality traits.

Your online brand style should be consistent with your offline brand style if you have one. It should align with your goals and with your audience’s expectations.

To identify your online brand style, you can follow these steps:

  • Specify brand values: They’re what drives your business and influence decision-making. Think of honesty, quality, and innovation; that’s what your values should represent.  
  • Determine brand voice: It is how your business expresses itself, whether formal, casual, friendly, and more. It shows your business attitude and character. 
  • Define brand theme: Your logo, theme images, and all graphic elements represent your business. It displays your style and identity.

Develop Your Layout

Your layout is how you arrange the elements on your website homepage to create a structure and a flow. It affects how visitors perceive and interact with your content.

To develop your website homepage design layout, you can follow these principles and use:

  • Whitespace: It’s the space between elements on a website’s homepage. White space helps create contrast, balance, and hierarchy. It also improves readability, usability, and aesthetics.
  • Grids: The invisible frameworks help you align and organize elements on a page. They help create consistency, harmony, and order. You can use grids to divide your page into columns and rows, create margins and gutters, or align text and images.
  • Focal points: They’re the elements that draw attention and interest on a page. They help create emphasis, contrast, and direction. Use focal points to highlight your CTA button.
  • Visual hierarchy: It is how you arrange elements on a page to show their relative importance and relationship. It helps create clarity, logic, and flow. Use visual hierarchy to prioritize your headline, subheadings, and body text.

Write Your Copy and Content

Copy and content are the words you use to convey a message to your potential clients and are crucial to your website homepage.

You can write compelling copy and content for your site using these tips:

  • Use an engaging tone: Your copy should resonate with your target audience and compel them to take action. The words should evoke emotions and curiosity. Stories or questions are excellent examples to use.
  • Search-intent optimized content: Use keywords that match the search intent of your prospects. You can use meta descriptions and alt text that describe your content accurately on a search engine.
  • Consistent tone: Your brand tone and style should be consistent across the site. Use a tone your target audience relates to, whether formal or informal.

Choose or Design Compelling Imagery

Your imagery is the photos or illustrations you use to visually articulate or enhance your copy and content. Imagery can make a big difference to the user experience by creating visual interest, appeal, and impact.

To choose or web design compelling imagery, you can use:

  • High-quality images: Your imagery should be sharp and professional-looking. Avoid blurry, pixelated, or stock photos that might lower your credibility or reputation.
  • Relevant images: They should relate to your topic, product, or service. Avoid generic or irrelevant images that might confuse or distract your homepage visitors.

Include Testimonials for Social Proof

They are reviews from happy clientele that affirm your offerings. Testimonials help your brand build credibility and trust with prospects.

Some ways you can add a few testimonials to your homepage include:

  • Adding relevant reviews: They should relate to the product on offer and highlight the benefits that touch potential customers’ problems.
  • Using varied customer testimonials: They should be diverse and reflect your audience’s diversity. These testimonials can include videos, text, and more.

Test and Optimize Your Homepage

A website homepage is an ever-changing page that needs regular optimization and tests for it to fulfil company goals.

Now, for you to optimize and test your website home page, here is what you need to do:

  • Outline your KPIs: They help to assess your website homepage metrics. You should ensure that the metrics align with your company objectives and target audience expectations. Examples of popular KPIs are CTR, bounce rate, and more.
  • Data collection and analysis: Analyzing your KPIs is easier if you can accrue data from a number of sources. You can use Google Analytics and Search Console for data collection and analysis.
  • A/B tests: Here, you contrast two homepage versions to see which performs better. Google Optimize is an excellent tool you can use for your a/b tests. Consider also testing different layouts or wording for each call to action.

3 Stunning Homepage Design Examples to Inspire You 

Some great homepage designs can inspire you to come up with a unique web design. Here are some popular brand website homepages that are outstanding:


Apple is a popular brand that has a simple homepage with an elegant design displaying its products. The homepage displays an enormous hero image of the new iPhone 14. It’s accompanied by a simplistic headline “Wonderful” and a CTA “Learn More.”

The homepage continues to showcase its other products, like the Apple watch, with crisp images and minimal text. One standout feature on Apple’s homepage is the navigation; it’s responsive with links to product categories like watch, Mac, iPhone, and links to the services on offer, like Apple Music.

At the footer of the homepage, you will find links to the privacy policy, social responsibility, and support pages.

apple homepage | Filament


dropsuite homepage | Filament

Dropsuite is a platform that provides businesses with cloud recovery and backup solutions. On their homepage, you will find a captivating headline, “Cloud Data Backup for Business Continuity and Compliance.”

Followed by a CTA button “Request Demo” and a subheading explaining what Dropsuite does, “Effortless and Securely Backup and Restore Email, Microsoft365, Google and Quickbooks.”

Their website homepage also has a video testimonial from one of the users on the benefits they’ve had from using the platform. The homepage is well-designed, displaying features like data backup, malware security, and more.

You will also see a display of business partners they collaborate with, like Google and AWS for social proof.

At the top of the homepage is where you will find links to products, resources, and solutions pages. You will see links to terms of service, support, and blog pages at the footer.


Square is a platform that targets SMEs looking to streamline their management and payment processes. Their homepage displays a captivating headline, “Power Your Entire Business.”

Followed by a CTA button “Get Started” and a subheading with a summary of what they offer “Sell Anywhere, Streamline Operations, Manage Your Staff.” 

Also, the homepage has a video displaying the nature of their products and how you can use them. The website’s homepage has a colorful display with product images, CTAs, and headlines.

There is also a video testimonial from one of Square’s users, “Parrys Restaurant Group” sharing their experience. You will find links to main pages like resources, products, and solutions on the homepage’s top left corner.

At the footer, you will find links to privacy policy, blog, and support pages.

square homepage | Filament

Final Thoughts: Home Page for Website

The first page that your target audience lands on is your website homepage. It is crucial to have it well-designed and written to grab the visitors’ attention. It also acts as the landing page where they get introduced to your offerings.  

To design a compelling website homepage, you must add crucial features highlighted above in this article. These features enable your site to become user-friendly and professional.

In case you get stuck on design inspiration, we’ve shared some popular brand websites’ homepages that you can check out. Now, go and create that homepage for your business and make it attractive to attract and convert your ideal target audience.

Ready to Redesign Your Website as You Scale Your Tech Business?

When it comes to website development for tech companies, there are a lot of benefits to engaging a specialist web development agency.

Some of the most important benefits of engaging web development services are increased website traffic and leads, better customer experience, and more qualified website visitors.

Want to know more? Visit Web Dev for Technology Companies.

If you want to learn more about how we build incredible tech websites for technology companies, contact us today!