Microsoft Copilot: Launching Microsoft AI Services to Market

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has caused a major disruption in the IT industry, with companies racing to adopt and leverage its potential to gain a competitive advantage and acquire more loyal customers. This presents a lucrative opportunity for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and system integrators. 

However, despite the novelty of pioneering chat assistant solutions like Copilot and ChatGPT, the market is already saturated with AI-powered solutions and services, introducing numerous challenges for MSPs trying to launch new AI services in this guide. 

Add value to your clients and gain attractive MRR with Copilot for M365 solutions

Copilot for Microsoft 365 is your ultimate AI companion. It boosts your clients’ organisational efficiency by seamlessly integrating the power of large language models (LLMs) with Microsoft 365 applications.

Here’s how your clients can leverage extensive benefits.

Productivity Boost

With Copilot, your clients will experience a significant boost in productivity in their M365 environments. It seamlessly works across Microsoft 365 applications, allowing users to track discussions, create impactful customer communications, and analyse data expertly, all while staying within their familiar productivity environment.

The Copilot everyday AI companion kickstarts the creative process by providing initial drafts in Word, saving users hours of writing, sourcing, and editing time. It can also create breathtaking visuals.

What’s more, Copilot assists in creating beautiful presentations in PowerPoint and professional-looking data visualisations in Excel, all within seconds. For example, you can ask Copilot to provide sales forecasts based on your historical sales performance data saved in MS Excel. 

Copilot also streamlines communications by summarising long email threads and drafting suggested replies in Outlook. Additionally, it automates repetitive tasks and accelerates app development with Power Platform.

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Streamlined Team Collaboration

Copilot enhances collaboration by facilitating communication, knowledge sharing, and workflow coordination across your client’s entire organisation.

Real-time tracking enables employees to easily track discussions and suggested action items within Microsoft Teams, ensuring everyone stays aligned and informed.

Copilot also generates conversation summaries, enabling efficient review and follow-up after meetings. With Copilot, your clients can focus on the insights that really matter, and all it takes is a simple text prompt. 

Security and Compliance

Microsoft 365 Copilot prioritises security, compliance, and privacy to ensure that users’ data remains protected and confidential. It safeguards user data by storing it in a secure partition, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected and isolated from unauthorised access.

What’s more, Copilot ensures that users’ data is never used for training purposes, safeguarding their privacy and confidentiality. It seamlessly integrates with Microsoft 365’s comprehensive approach to security, compliance, and privacy, inheriting all configured policies and processes to ensure regulatory compliance.

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Copilot for Service transforms your clients' customer service operations

Microsoft Copilot for Service transforms conventional customer service solutions by integrating contact center systems with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms. leveraging tailored generative AI models, Copilot empowers agents and analyse customer behavior and preferences to deliver more personalised experiences and improve customer satisfaction.

Copilot for Service can be deployed quickly since it doesn’t require a tedious installation process. 

Enhanced Agent Productivity

Copilot enables contact center agents to automate redundant tasks and focus on the tasks that require their attention. With Copilot, contact center managers can onboard agents more quickly while ensuring that they’re up and ready to assist customers with their queries. 

Additionally, Copilot provides agents with all the information they need, saving them the hassle of searching knowledge bases manually or having to get back to their managers for information on nearly every call. Agents benefit from increased productivity with Copilot embedded in their daily tools, facilitating faster onboarding, case resolution, and task automation. 

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Real-time Agent Assistance

Copilot provides agents with AI-powered real-time responses, allowing them to provide better support for customers in make-or-break moments. It’s capable of pulling and analysing data from a wide range of CRM solutions and Microsoft apps like Teams and Outlook. 

Additionally, Copilot actively listens to customer conversations and provides essential information agents need, leading to improved First Call Resolution (FCR) and Average Handling Time (AHT) rates. This also reflects positively on your clients’ CSAT scores.

Customisation Capabilities

Unlike other AI solutions, Copilot isn’t a one-size-fits-all AI solution. Contact centre managers and agents can customise Copilot to match their specific needs by prioritising certain data sources and configuring conversational behaviours. 

Eliminate Data Silos

Copilot eliminates data silos by gathering all relevant data in a single place. It connects to your clients’ CRM systems like Zendesk and Salesforce, knowledge bases, websites, and social media platforms, ensuring that no key piece of information is missed.

Building Your Own Copilots With Microsoft Copilot Studio

Microsoft Copilot Studio enables you to create tailored AI assistants based on our client’s industry and use cases.

To build custom Copilot GPTs, log in to Copilot Studio and ground your Copilot in data to enable multi-turn chat using local files, SharePoint sites, public websites, or custom backends. For example, if the Copilot will be used for e-commerce customer support, you can pull product info from your website. You can also use data connectors to pull data from hundreds of other sources.

Next, focus on generative AI and dialog creation. Instruct the pre-trained large language models to priotrise topics and guide user interactions based on the client’s preferences. You can also tailor Copilot functionalities for specific roles and functions within your client’s organisation with custom topics and orchestration.

Filament Can Help You Launch Your AI Services

At Filament, we work closely with your team to create customised digital marketing strategies that focus on your customers’ pain points and key value proposition and differentiators. Having worked with a wide range of tech vendors and MSPs, we know the ins and outs of deploying competitive Copilot AI solutions that drive business growth.

Our approach will not only increase demand and attract more customers but also maximise your return on investment.

Contact us today to learn more about how Filament can support the successful launch of your AI services!

Book Your FREE Go-to-Market Consultation!

If you want to discuss how to take your Microsoft Copilot services to market, book your free consultation!

We’ll be happy to walk you through our process, discuss the solutions tailored to your business needs, and answer all of your questions. And don’t worry – there’s no commitment, there’s no sales pitch, so there’s absolutely nothing to lose!

Microsoft Copilot Frequently Asked Questions

What does Microsoft Copilot do?

Microsoft Copilot is an amazing AI assistant that offers personalised assistance to users. It’s capable of recognising patterns, making predictions, and carrying out complex computations and repetitive tasks in a matter of seconds. It can also be used in image creation (formerly Bing Image Creator).

Additionally, it integrates with Microsoft 365 apps like Word and Excel to enhance productivity and extract key insights and summaries. 

How much does Copilot 365 cost in Australia?

Copilot for Microsoft 365 costs AU$44.90 per user per month or AU$538.80 per user per year in Australia. This includes Copilot integration with MS365 apps, AI-powered chat, and security and data privacy features.

Please review Copilot for Microsoft 265 – Business Plans carefully for up to date pricing.

Is Copilot better than ChatGPT?

ChatGPT can be described as an AI chatbot that’s designed to generate human-like dialogue and engage in conversations with users. ChatGPT outputs are based on its understanding of the conversation’s context. predicts the next word in a given sequence based on patterns it learned from human language.

Copilot, on the other hand, is a versatile AI assistant that’s designed to automate repetitive tasks, generate valuable business insights and forecasts, and maximize efficiency.

It combines large language models (LLMs) with your data in the Microsoft Graph (including your calendar, emails, chats, documents, meetings, and more) and the Microsoft 365 apps to boost productivity and enhance team collaboration.

Is there a free version of Copilot?

Yes, there’s a free version of Copilot. However, it can be limited in terms of speed and accuracy. Not to mention, it’s primarily intended for individual users.’

The paid version of Copilot provides priority access to GPT4 and GPT4 Turbo (the next-generation AI) during peak times. It also integrates with Microsoft 365 products like MS Teams and Word to improve your team’s productivity and collaboration. 

Is OpenAI owned by Microsoft?

No, Microsoft doesn’t own OpenAI. Microsoft invested $1 billion in OpenAI in 2019, and $10 billion in 2023, meaning that Microsoft is entitled to share of profit distributions. However, Microsoft doesn’t hold any stakes in OpenAI, the company that offers advanced AI technologies.